Seeing them "masters" of the flood plain was beautiful! We enjoyed seeing our serene and independent children, aware of the spaces and their roles, it was surprising how they managed to find the material to use to form words, names, letters and initials on their own. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to experience these emotions. These are memories we will not forget!
Andrea's dad
Today I went back to my childhood. I felt like an important person when the children asked me to put the branches in the ground. Thanks to the teachers who do a difficult job for our children.With many ideas, we have built several huts and we have seen our children happy for what they have made. Thanks to the teachers for the serenity they convey.
Giorgio's mum
We went in search of the treasures that the flood plain offers us and we divided into three groups. Tiziana and Rossella (parents) were afraid to face the descent of the embankment, but with the support of the children they managed to overcome it. Pamela (parent) picked up a cricket to put it in the box, look at it together and then free it. For all three, it was a beautiful day, full of emotions, laughter, full of colors and smiles given by our magnificent children.
Francesca's MUM
We shared with our children the experience of the morning on the flood plain. Seeing them together with each other and with their respective mothers was exciting. The interest of the children in building the path created with natural materials such as trunks, branches and stones made us understand the importance of the floodplain experience.
Being in contact with nature is a unique experience!
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